Available warehouse with ample space for storage products

Warehause and Storage

Leasing of storage areas

Our warehouse is over 30,000 sq.m. in size. We can lease areas of different sizes, ensuring all services such as handling, processing, picking of the stored product, accounting and administrative services, weighing.

Our warehouses are large enough to store up to 100,000 tons of products at a time.

C.I.S.A.F. - 44123 Ferrara
Via degli Amanti 15/17

Headquarters and Management:
Tel. 0532/797600-Fax. 0532/796230
Transport Office:
Tel. 0532/797500-Fax 0532/796240
Warehouse Offic:
Tel. 0532/726210-Fax 0532/796160

Copyright 2011-17 C.I.S.A.F.